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British pronunciation, BBC learning English, Standard Southern British English Pronunciation
English Pronunciations symbols, If you're non-English Speaker and wanna enhance your pronunciation, this one can help you a lot! To get more information abou...
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What is coronavirus or Covid-19? - 1jour1actu éducation
What is coronavirus or Covid-19? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses in the shape of a crown. They are minute microbes that can enter living creatures and make them sick. In December 2019, a new coronavirus appeared in China. It causes a respiratory disease, called Covid-19. But why is it so special? Because Covid-19 is...
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What is the WHO? - 1jour1actu éducation
What is the WHO? It is the World Health Organization, a United Nations agency whose aim is to promote healthcare for all humans. It was founded on 7 April 1948. Every year, on that date, we celebrate World Health Day. The WHO considers health as a fundamental right for everyone, regardless of their origins...
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